Thursday, May 12, 2005

Iceland oh Iceland

Did you guys see the Oprah show Around the world?
Holy canloly, there was a special report about Iceland and Icelandic women that you should really check out.

-First of all Iceland is known for it´s great nightlife... When it is dark 24 hours, what else is there yo do but hit the bars... And when it´s light 24 hours and you can´t sleep, what do you do? You hit the bars!! Icelandic nighlife starts around midnight and doesn´t end until six or seven in the morning...
-Second of all the woman in Oprah´s show described Icelandic women as very beuatiful and "liberal". We are supposed to be very independent and "sex" isn´t a taboo in this country. The dating culture is very different from the one in the States, I would say there almost isn´t any. Not many guys get a girls number and ask her on a date. -The Icelandic way is to text her, maybe meet her sometimes downtown and then later, when he feels like he knows her, then they go see a movie...

Hehehe it was funny to see Oprah´s reaction to our culture. For example the phonebook we have, even our prime minister is listed there. We all fit into one book, one book for the entire country! Then there is the issue of racism, but in Iceland it is illegal to say racist things, especially in public and you could get a time in jail. The crime rate is very low and it is considered one of the safest places on Earth. We heat our houses with gothermal power and we use the rest of the hot water we get from the earth to heat up outdoor swimming pools around the country. We love our national holidays and for example this month we have two, and the next month two as well. Not to mention our 13 days of Christmas and Second day of Easter...

If this little piece of pulitzer-price article hasn´t moved your longing to come to Iceland and visit me, then you should really reconsider your expectations:) hehe

well, along with my 270.000 country-men I say goodbye and hope to see your ass soon!! I know I will see Meghan, Annie, Wiss and my dearest sister Erla in about.. hmmm two weeks!!!

Bæó, í bili þó!!


At 1:42 AM, Blogger Magga Stina Rokk said...

Iceland....BEST IN THE WORLD!!
We won world championship in handball..... uhumm B- world championship!

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Lafan said...

you know Vala Flosa??

At 2:28 AM, Blogger Magga Stina Rokk said...

..that's way all the beautiful people are in Iceland and all ugly people in England!!

At 2:32 AM, Blogger Lafan said...

ouch.. that was below the belt:)

no problem for Jhon boblem...

Iceland-best in the world:)

At 1:04 AM, Blogger Erla Ósk said...

hahahahaha.. well, its senior wekk and graduation was today. everyone is really tired, but still trying to get wasted;) Kiwi just came back from a game (it is passed 2am!) and Wiss is trying to get him drunk (while Wiss is aldredy plenty drunk)... it's gonna be an interesting night;)

Anyways, miss you Olof and I'll see you in less than 2 weeks!


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