Tuesday, March 29, 2005

See you later (read with kiwi accent...)

I want to dedicate this blog to a dear friend of mine, mr Kiwi Knox who I briefly talked to this weekend and who i admire very much as a person. Kiwi graduated from Macalester 2004, a econ major and a person who believes in the person inside the man. His motto is C´s get degrees and I have become to belive that every word that comes out of Kiwi´s mouth is true. As a newcomer in this strange land of dreams, USA Kiwi took me around and showed me how things work. He tought me that you don´t really have to show up for the first week of class, you can extend your spring-break up to a week and that you can ALWAYS pull up the foreign card. But his strength was knowing all the easy classes at Mac and for his knowlegde I got a 4.0 and from that I drew my nick name, 4.0lof.

Juicy was also Kiwi´s idea that he got during our O.K. days (Olof-Kiwi days) O.K. days are Tuesdays for normal people, but neither of us had class or anything those days so we made sure that O.K days were always fun. Noramlly they consisted in going to the mall and getting expensive fun stuff... Like a sign for Erla´s door saying Andrew´s private parking and a disco bowl. We would also get drunk and go dancing and from there Kiwi saw that bootie and named it Juicy haha. So I want all of you to think differently about tuesdays from now on and always make sure that you do something fun on O.K days.

Kiwi mate, you muppet hope you get to be in a poster with the Thunder and get to give teenage girls autographs hehe
good luck with everything, Juicy


At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

juicy, if you were here now i would tap that ass. I know you have been saving yourself for Mr Right but i can be Mr right now. no, eso no es una canoa en mi bolsillo

At 5:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats right, there is no fucking canoe in ur pocet, you are just so happy to see me;)


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