Thursday, May 19, 2005


Happy Eurovision day!!

Today us weird ass europeans have our annual Eurovision song contest, or better yet the pre-contest for the big contest next Saturday night. You must be asking yourself what the hell I am talking about, I must be on crack, but nooo. The Eurovision sog contest is like the name indicates, a song contest between european contires. Each contry sends one artist, normally a popular artist in their home country, and they write a song specilly for the contest. This contest is broadcasted in all the contires that are participating and after the artists perform their song, the contires give each other points after a national phone vote (can´t vote for your own country) and so on. At the end of the night you have the winner, the Eurovision song!!

-you should really check out the Eurovision web site:

In Iceland it always is a pretty big deal and people have Eurovision parties all over (again, another excuse to party...) Every year we go into the contest and think we will win this time, but we alwyas manage to stay in the last places. Our best results are 2nd place in 1999, and this year we have the same artist as back then so we shouldn´t be in the last 5 like always...

anyways, I hope I have shown you a thing or two about the Eurovision song contest, can´t wait until Saturday for the real event... and Magnus I know you are excited too!!

hehe see yous


At 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes yes, Eurovision.... The Swiss are not as entusiastic as the Icelandic people about that, maybe because the results of the Swiss singers are even worse than the Icelandic. But this year (as every year) we are convinced it will be better.... with a girlie band from Estonia. At least they made it to the last 24.
Just learned that Iceland didn't make it, am really sorry :( But don't worry... you can still make a party.

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Iceland. you gave us 7 points.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Lafan said...


no shit, the swiss song was actually pretty good! girls rock!!

personally i loved the norwegian song, those crazy noruegos:)


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