Viva Mexico!!
Hola amigos... Que tal??I am back from Mexico, safe and tanned after two weeks of plain fun. I managed to go see one of the mayan-villages in the jungle, go visit a bat cave and injure myself on my way up, go to Cuba and drink mojitos, smoke cuban cigars and dance cuban salsa with the locals... simply amazing. We also went to see some of the old mayan-ruins and caused three days straight of rain (we decided to sacrifice Magga to the raingods for fun and 5 min later they answered our prayers and it rained non-stop for three days straight... haha)
I learned some local mexican slang which is going to be very useful to me in the future.. haha. The hotel we stayed at was a 5 star all-inclusive hotel and we even got served all the way to the beach all day long... At night we would hit the bars and drink some agua-mexicana (tequila)
if you want to see some pictures you can check out my sister´s pictures and the password is BRENDA
and here are some Cuba pictures too
well gotta go to practise coz i think i got a beer belly from all the cerveza....
hasta luego!!
user name fyrir myndasiduna???
hallo hallo...
það er hægt að skoða myndirnar án þess að segja fra passwordinu og usernaminu...
Ólöf ef þú gefur það upp geta allir skoðað og hent út og breytt myndum...
takk fyrir, nei takk...
það ætti ekki að vera erfitt að klikka a cuba, mexico daylife eða mexico nightlife a síðnni minni!!
maggastinarokk :) svo er hægt að fara bara inn á möggu beint... alltaf sami gamli hugsuðurinn!!
Good to hear you saved the crops in Mexico. Did you wave as you flew over Minneapolis twice?! Can't believe you couldn't swing a layover or something. My family was in town this weekend and me and my brother were up to the usual antics that happen when we get together.
well, gotta go to anger management class....give a call sometime
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