Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Holy carp

Why do people take my stuff when I leave them at a table at a dance?? I know I wouldn´t even consider taking somebody´s stuff if I would see it lying around, I would return it happely to the owner, hope (if it is a he) that he is cute and maybe get a kiss on the cheek... but hey that´s me

but as you clever ones figures out, I lost my purse last saturday and my card-company just informed me that those sons of bithces tried to take out money in the "speed-bank" but didn´t have the right pin-number. So like every good citizen I went to the police and told them that my purse had been stolen. Since this kind of "crime" is the only crime we have in Iceland, the police is as we speek going through survalance cameras that are situated in the automatic banks here in Grindavík, and within few hours I will know who exactly has my money, phone and most important phone-numbers!!

I am quite the detective huh.. well I´d better get back to work because tomorrow is my last day before I leave this wonderful country for two weeks in order to get absolutely waisted in the heart of Mexico!!

adios amigos...


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unas lindas vacaciones para ti!!! Tendra la ocasion de practicar du espanol. Yo ya olvidé mucho. Qui pena!
Bueno, disfruta del pais, de la playa, el calor, y lo mas importante: de los mexicanos.

Mil Besos

P.S. Me da mucha pena de entender esta historia criminal de tu amado bolso. Espero que los malos ladrones seran cogidos muy pronto.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Lafan said...

pero que amable dorisita... me gusta mucho ver tu intereso por mi página web y te agradesco mucho por querer comentar...

jeje bueno, te daré las noticias de los mexicanos y vamos a ver como comparan a los ecuadorianos, no!!

hay te quiero ver!!

oh si y felicitaciones con tu cumpleanos el 31 de mayo y con tu boda el 17 del junio

tqm loca


At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ven visitarme en Suiza pues!!!

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no tengo una canoe en me pocket. Just make sure if anyone asks you for a beso-negro that you brush your teeth after.

At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo yo yo... hope you have a good time in Mehico, and don't go doing anything I wouldn't do ;) Takk fyrir allt a Isalandinu goda, bid ad heilsa Moggu og Joa!!

big siss


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