Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Dump him before he dumps you!!

Next time I pin down a man I am going to fallow the 10 day "program" that Shante in the movie -Two can play that game- was teaching me yesterday... Plant som underwear under the couch and claim it is not yours... if he´s cheating he´ll come up with some sort of a lie who they belong to, pretty clever huh...

Anyways life is getting back to normal after two weeks of fun and reality really does bite... Man, work from 8-4 and then again from 5-6 and then soccer... afterwards maybe go down town with my girlfriends and check if there is any new meat in town (haha just kidding) But after about 3 weeks it is time for the famous Westman Islands festival, where Icelanders get drunk for four days straight and do things that only stay in Westman Islands... haha. I can´t wait to see the look on Megs and Annie´s face when Ólöf shows her right face with beer-drinking that is unheard of!!

Well my boss just gave me a look, not because I am looking stunning today, but because I should get back to work



At 8:13 AM, Blogger Lafan said...

svona krakkar, ekki allir í einu!!

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Erla Ósk said...

kaninn kann barasta ekkert a thetta blogg daemi... their lesa en kommenta ekki.. I mean, what is that about??? ;)

At 4:09 AM, Blogger Lafan said...

no sjjeeeeett!!

haha, ætli þeir eigi nokkuð eftir að ná þessu... ég meina þeir eru ennþá að komast inn í það að sýna fótboltaleiki

-hvað er það??????

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

grolt haltu kafti, lessa

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Lafan said...

wtf mate!!

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is with all this icelandic being written on your english site? I can but others may not be able understand it. Keep on shaking.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Lafan said...

kiwi knox, as long as the sun comes up the ass will be shaken, you know that!!


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