Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Love shine a light...

Went to my first practise after, well let´s just say a long week of too much fun, last night and holy smokes did I not perform like juicy is used to... My coach wasn´t too impressed with my "business trip" and made me run extra sprints at the end of practise, that mother.....

I also went to my first class in ages at the University of Iceland and it was as if I never left that place, so I encourage all of you my friends to just take a few weeks off when you think you have had enough, school can wait but life doesn´t!!

I have a long night of watching soccer ahead of me so i better get on with my homework. I am fixing this page so you guys can see some pictures from life in Iceland, so you better show me some love and participate...

that´s it for now, have a good one



At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so my lady friend just pulled a wiss...ran to kowalski's and bought the mean time....i just found out that i got a job so i might be in icelandia in a short while....i'll keep you posted...

what ya'll bitches want


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Erla Ósk said...

we love you and we miss you... Mollie has some picutes of you and Marcus Jackson, that is, if you want them;)
Bidjum ad heilsa ollum!
Erla og Mollie

At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why would I want them???

auðvitað vil ég þær! segðu henni að senda mér þær!!! hahaha


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