Love shine a light...
Went to my first practise after, well let´s just say a long week of too much fun, last night and holy smokes did I not perform like juicy is used to... My coach wasn´t too impressed with my "business trip" and made me run extra sprints at the end of practise, that mother.....I also went to my first class in ages at the University of Iceland and it was as if I never left that place, so I encourage all of you my friends to just take a few weeks off when you think you have had enough, school can wait but life doesn´t!!
I have a long night of watching soccer ahead of me so i better get on with my homework. I am fixing this page so you guys can see some pictures from life in Iceland, so you better show me some love and participate...
that´s it for now, have a good one
so my lady friend just pulled a wiss...ran to kowalski's and bought the mean time....i just found out that i got a job so i might be in icelandia in a short while....i'll keep you posted...
what ya'll bitches want
we love you and we miss you... Mollie has some picutes of you and Marcus Jackson, that is, if you want them;)
Bidjum ad heilsa ollum!
Erla og Mollie
why would I want them???
auðvitað vil ég þær! segðu henni að senda mér þær!!! hahaha
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