Droppin´ Krónur on a Rúntur
hehe hey guys... not too long until my return to das states, anyone wanna get drunk?? I know all of you have probably seen this video
these crazy guys did in Iceland, but if you havent i suggest you click it... reallllly funny!!
anyways, life is good, the pictures are in progress but some of them are already there so feel free to spy on me under juicy´s pictures
plus, has anyone heard of the reality tv show called rockstar supernova?? if not, you should start watching it coz
magni (one of the rockers) is icelandic and is doing an awesome job, everybody vote for him!!!
anyways, i´m out! smell ya later
Kiwi Beats
Happy Birthday Nathan Knox, Kiwi Beats, Kiwi Pro, Kiwi the drunk, or whatever you choose to call him!

I will have one.. or two you know what in your honor tonight
urs truly juicy
blow... or blow up
So you know the president of Greece and Iceland visited us here yesterday in Vísir (the fish exporting company my family owns) and given, the security for it was quite something for a small town like Grindavík (2400). A few girls down at the factory were joking about it and laughing and wondering why all this security, who is gonna attack the president with the fish cutting knife?? anyways, one of my cousins, Margrét (we have no imagination when it comes to name giving here in Iceland, for us its having the least amount of names for the most amount of people...) yes, Margrét, she was joking around and saying she wanted to make a sign saying... I´M GONNA BLOW THE PRESIDENT!! hahaha, she was politely corrected by nearby workers and asked if she didnt mean BLOW UP THE PRESIDENT, yes, that was what she meant and with an embarissing smile told everyone she had no intentions of blowing the president or anyone for that matter... hahaha
anyways, i´m on my way camping again, this time i´m going up sauth-west to "Irish days" (pat i´m honoring your friendship with this trip:) basically it is a festival with beer drinking, singing and dancing. The competition the most read-headed Icelander will also be huge, as well as the most accurate grandma in shooting some hoops, very interesting. I think i might convince my grandma, Margrét, (no it´s true, that is her name!) to compete, but she is very fun and energetic and i think she could bring me back the gold!
well so long dear friends, hope Óskar (the dog) is doing well, poor pooch!
ice ice baby
hey guys, just a little feed back from the icecube. in june in iceland we got six days of no rain, that is 30 - 6 = 24 days of rain in june! thank god it doesnt get dark during the summer time, bc then people would have fled the island in search for just a little bit of dry days.
i have been extremely busy with football, work and working out, occasionally have i had a few beers and last weekend i went to see the icelandic horse championship up north (pat and megs, u guys have probably passed this place:) it was in one work freakingamazing!! icelanders were recently voted the happiest people in the world by some english research, and i think all of them were there, partying and horseback riding.
on thursday the president of greece will be in iceland for a polite visit, and guess who will be hosting him... my dads company! and guess who will be showing the presidents around? (icelandic one too) the language pro myself! we have been going over security with the police and stuff and are ready to show our best saltfish exports...
anyways, on this horse tournament thing i bumped into an old mac kid... Ragnar! he was on fire on the dance floor, of coz the camera was on and here are a few pics.. i´ll try to blog more if people comment:)