Westman Islands BABY!!

yuuuup it´s time for the biggest party weekend in Iceland... THE WESTMAN ISLANDS-FESTIVAL
in other words... get drunk from friday till monday, listen to good music and party with 15.000 wonderful people in a small valley where you can see the most beautiful girls in the world dancing to amazing firework show and exoticope yp music... how good does life get??

Juicy will be departing on friday morning by boat (oh boy....) and will not return until monday night, hungover as hell ang hopefully with some of her juicy-est stories ever!!
if i were you i would hop in the next plane and swim over to the westman-islands... i´ll be the blonde one in the hill to the right... halla!
Football Fantastico

as you may hvae heard from espn, we won our game the other night and are now in the final 4 in the cup over entire Iceland (i know it´s tiny.. but please just be happy for us hehe...) tonight we have another game coming up, a -friday night game- and we all know how that is going to end up... drinking as much as you possibly can while you are still recovering haha
tomorrow night we have an all-girls party coming up, where only girls can attend and you have to dress.. well sexy. Juicy is thinking about putting on one of her famous Janet Jackson "star" but her twin asked her politely to reconsider, so she did. I guess i will just
have to go shopping for a new outfit, because you know you can never be seen in the same outfit twice!!
everything else is going great and hope you guys are doing fine as well
enough for now, J-Lo is in need for new clothes...
adios mis queridos
september 3rd
please make sure that you aren´t going to be doing anything else but partying with me september 3rd, because my big-comeback to the land of big-mac and miller will begin that very same day...
also my dear friend and beauty-king Pat Kelley is about to experience something very special when he arrives to Grindavík city the 15th of agust... can´t wait to get an excuse to take a day or two off and explore the land of ice with the american...
apart from that life is good, work busy, soccer is going ok even though we lost one f****** game and social life is as good as it gets
well, gotta run to the post office to see if Josh Hartnett sent me anything
love ólöf daðey