here comes jhonny!!
why is it that every time you go somewhere by plane you have to be hungover?? it is amazing to think about how many times i have left iceland to go to the states, to england, to mexico or just to denmark, i have been hungover every single time!!and there was no exeption for megs, annie, pat and bacon... they all managed to fill my requirements for leaving iceland... some more than others... but that´s a different story :)
i just wanted to say that i miss you guys already, it is kinda empty here without you foreighn kids butchering the language hehe
i´ll end this today with a joke i heard and i think it is hilarious.. what about you guys:
How is a man like a snowstorm?
Because you don't know when he's coming, how many inches you'll get, or how long it'll stay
haha juicy out
Erum herna heima hja ther i sma partyi... thetta er svona 1-vika-i-ad-Olof-komi party;)
Bestustu kvedjur!
Erla perla stora systir
hi hi. i want to come back. i miss iceland. come soon. love, megs
what ya'll bitches want? 'bout to get down with the wodka red bull and burr. one week til ur back...that'll be better wear your party shoes...."put on my raving shoes and i boarded a plane..." better get ready to rock.
i am out of town that weekend
megs.. iceland misses ur hot ass too, but do not worry i´ll be back in a week and we can pretend to be icelandic for a whole night out down town:)
wiss... u better be ready with ur raving shoes coz I LIKE THE WAY YOU MOOOOOOOOVE... hehe
anonymous: oh bugger...
anonymous 2: absent that weekend too
actually i think EVERYONE is out of town that weekend olof. Are you able to get yourself a taxi from the airport?
shut it
i know a guy that drives and owns a big yellow school bus
he can pick me up anytime:)
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